Prior Probability of the Resurrection is Zero?

@Faizal_Ali That’s a fair question. In my opinion, (and I state that strongly) one can believe that the resurrection occurred or that it is plausible that it occurred, based upon the evidence, but, like so many things, it falls short of conclusive proof. God speaks of faith being required. I think that it takes a leap of faith to get to the point where you can experience the living Christ. That said, for me personally, it was evidence that got me to that point. It was the behavior of the disciples after the Crucifixion and the explosive growth of the church that gave me the impetus to make a leap of faith.

That said, it gets expressed as though it were a math equation and it is not. It is different for all. If you are looking for hard evidence to prove beyond a doubt to yourself that Jesus is alive, you are probably not going to find it. If you are looking for enough evidence to justify the leap of faith, I believe it is there.