Raw materials for life

Every experiment in chemistry (including prebiotic), immunology, oncology biochemistry, virology etcetera cannot be done without reagents purified and concentrated in some form or tools like spectrometers, test tubes and pipettes. Tumorigenesis is an unguided process but no one knew how it happened until experiments using artificial environments like petri-dishes, test tubes, incubators and purified/concentrated chemicals like mutagens were done. Viral infection in nature is unguided but we did not know how it happened without experiments involving reagents derived using chemical engineering principles and devices.

Life originated once and if it happened through the interplay of yet to be identified physical and chemical principles on a prebiotic earth, then its only via experimentation that we might uncover what those principles are. Experimentation is necessary to provide a controlled environment that mimics the possible environments on an early earth because the conditions of today are sharply different from what obtained 4 billion years ago (like the absence of abundant atmospheric oxygen, for example). Of course, the more artificial the experiment is, the less likely its finding would be applicable to real life and vice versa.

In summary, if we couldn’t demonstrate how unguided processes like tumorigenesis, immune development, viral infection, protein-ligand binding etcetera which occur repeatedly without experimentation using purified chemicals and quite sophisticated devices, then its seems absurd that the same won’t apply to origin of life research, especially since life originated once.