Recapping the Challenger Disaster

Wow John. Your really getting tiring. What do you think Behe is paid for. Do you think he spends his days reading his bible.

So when a scientist who becomes a manager makes stupid decisions and disregards the science the he and a grade schooler can understand, scientists are let off the hook? Rich.
I’ve read both ‘Truth, Lies, and O-rings’ by Allan J. McDonald and James R. Hansen as well as ‘Challenger Revealed’ by Richard C. Cook, as well as much of the Rogers Commission Report and Feynman’s Appendix F and watched quite a bit of the testimony. I think that I have a pretty good layman’s handle on the events.

Really! You like to quibble don’t you. Did that phrasing of it suit you better.

Pedantic much? So really, no scientist is ever at fault at all ever, since the buck stops at the top in any organization (read: management). Your parsing of these words is frivolous.

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