Rumraket Asks About Original Sin

I agree, Michelle (not sure if that isn’t the “kiss of death” :wink:

Imo, this is the basis of any religion, specifically Christianity, which asserts a “moral standard” to which we are accountable. It must explain, within the context of the very moral law to which we’re held, how this moral corruption is legally a universal condition… for upon that resolution all other doctrine/dogma is derived.

The reason why one gets “bogged down on these parts of theology” is because w/o an explanation for how/why we became corrupt, notions of “salvation”, “grace”, “redemption”, “atonement” or even “guilt” and “punishment” are incoherent, undefinable by the very moral law through which we’re judged. Before YOU did anything; good or evil, your fate, re moral criminality was sealed. This is at irreconcilable odds with Biblical Jurisprudence.

We were born here corrupted, alienated from God, guaranteed to screw up; either by conscience; Hamartia, or Ordinance; Parabasis. This universality, certainty of failure demands an explanation, for, as I said, w/o it, all the “important” parts of “Christianity” are moot.

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