You will notice that I avoided entirely (or virtually entirely) the use of the term Interventions.
There is no logic to saying God intervened in God’s work. It’s God embracing and engaging the workings of the entire universe … all in an instant … from God’s perspective.
Deism is avoided as long as our “so-called imaginary God” is, first of all,
being construed as communicating with His worshippers in Real Time…
and secondly,
does not set things up and walk away … but conceives, creates and concludes all
of Creation in an instant (from His perspective).
I flatly reject the idea that God “set ups natural law, and then takes a nap”. When God naps, the Universe disappears (hypothetically speaking, for you). There is no “coming and going” of God’s attention span. His attention is the very substance of reality.
So, what do I do when confronted by someone who actually asserts a deistic type God? Well, maybe I do nothing. The point of this effort is to recover anti-science Evangelicals back into the scientific fold. A deist has taken the express bus to the general area.
Now he’s YOURS to engage.