Seeing Scientists as Humble? (2nd attempt)

Continuing the discussion from The effect of seeing scientists as intellectually humble:


In response to you I would suggest keeping the “there is no design” arguments short and sweet, reminding the Creationists that they don’t have to prove design … they have to DISPROVE evolution.


Disproving evolution doesn’t make the case for creationism.


And proving “design” does not refute evolution.

Well done, George. You’re wrong twice with one claim.

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I don’t see how that constitutes a sensible answer to my question, which was about how much you must exhibit intellectual humility (and in what way) for the gains in perceived trustworthiness to become significant.

And I think @Roy’s response is absolutely correct. Design isn’t demonstrated by falsifying the theory of evolution.

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Logically speaking, you are right.

But did you mean to use the term “creationism”? Did you really mean

In either case, we are PRO-evolution here, right?

The Creationists will certainly assume that disproving evolution leaves
them the victor. Focusing on God-with-Evolution is a good way to enlist
the millions of Christian supporters of evolutionary biology!


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