What I said was that the body types “otherwise seem to appear fully formed.” They seem to be standalone body types because, for whatever reason, there is no lineage similar to the hominids [A-N] that you used as an example. I am OEC, for instance, and I accept that the lineage that you show in the image could articulate a passage from ape to human. This photo alone doesn’t prove the relationship, but it is visually suggestive, so it makes sense as an example. The real point, and the one that I made, is that the argument surrounding the “cambrian explosion” would vanish if a similar lineage for the body types first appearing in Cambrian fossils were located, right?
I think that a fair answer is “yes.” The argument would go away, because if the objection were raised, as it is now, you could point to an image similar to the one posted above, showing hominid skulls. You could say that there would be deniers, and you may even be correct. But generally speaking, the argument would go away.
This is certainly an explanation for a lack of fossils. I have read of it before, as well. I don’t think that it is likely, because I’ve seen many, many fossils of very delicate forms of life, but it is possible, and I grant you that. That said, this explains why there may be a lack of transitional fossil evidence, but it does not explain the cambrian explosion. The lack of evidence of a transitional fossil lineage is not evidence for the many body types to first appear during the cambrian era.
This is why I bring up the God of the Gaps argument. I don’t use that argument, because I’m not in the business of explaining how certain species evolved. I’m in the business of asking how they evolved. So,. when one criticizes the God of the Gaps, it is because they take offense at God being invoked as the cause for any event which lacks evidence providing an evolutionary explanation. I understand that frustration and even accept it. But, it is unfair to use the same argument with evidence that does not exist in response to the cambrian problem. Maybe the evidence does exist. Maybe it will be found. But it is unfair to criticize a tactic as spurious, and then use one similar as evidence.
You two are obviously very intelligent and articulate people. I have a great deal of respect for what you have learned and even the time you spend here in trying to converse with folks like me whose opinions and (certainly) levels of knowledge differ from your own. But so many people here leap to defend a point when they should sometimes just agree. It makes it so much easier for all of us to seek the truth without getting defensive. There’s more common ground than you would ever imagine. So just seek the truth and see where it leads. None of us can go wrong by that.
I’ve said my bit and now I’ll go back to posting movie clips and asking people to not curse.