Testimony as a Source of Knowledge

A reasonable person would say that this set of multiple events (actually two independent sets!) that you have seen before was outside the reach of probability to have occurred ‘naturally’, like getting 100% heads on 10,000 coin flips. Could happen? Theoretically yeah, but I would be looking for other causes besides mere probability! In combination with all of the other sets in my seven decades, only the few of which have I reported here, you are not seeing all of only my evidence.

Then there are all of George Müller’s (those are almost beyond counting!), Rich Stearns’, Steve Saint’s, and hundreds and probably thousands more that could be researched and documented across the two millennia, not to mention all the biblical ones (which are plentiful) plus all the ones unaccounted for. I’ve spoken with at least a couple of 21st century Christians who wished they had kept a log like I have. (Oh, and don’t forget Augustine’s conversion, insignificant Christian that he was. :slightly_smiling_face:)