The Argument Clinic

47 respondents is a valid poll of physicists? Seriously?

Can you also point to anywhere in the poll question where it says that ONLY consciousnesses are capable of collapsing wavefunctions?

How is HGT not doing the same thing?

How is passing DNA across a sex pili between two bacteria a top down process using quantum physics? How is it a top down quantum process when a bacteria takes in naked DNA from its surroundings?

So where does this happen in HGT???

We can watch a sex pili join two bacterial cells, and then DNA is passed between them. This DNA can be replicated as an extra chromosome in the bacteria, or it can insert into another chromosome due to homologous recombination. Where do you think consciousness is involved in this process? How is this different from passing on a whole genome to a new cell, or the merging of two haploid cells?

Sedans don’t fall into a nested hierarchy.

Do you still not understand what a nested hierarchy is and why it is evidence for common ancestry?

Then how are humans able to design organisms that violate a nested hierarchy if it is a law of nature?

It doesn’t explain either.

First, how in the world do you determine where the gaps are in the fossil record? Why would you say that there is a gap between two specific species, but not two others? On top of that, how do you explain the fossils that DO fill those gaps, such as transitional hominid fossils? From where I sit, the only way that there would be gaps in the fossil record is if common ancestry is true. Only through common ancestry could we identify where future fossils should fit into the distribution of similarities and differences in species groups.

Separate creation of archetypes also does not explain the nested hierarchy because there is no reason why separately created archetypes would need to fit into a nested hierarchy.

[note: I branched this idea off into a new thread: How Does ID/Creationism Identify Gaps in the Fossil Record? ]

Why would that nature include separately created species that just so happen to produce the same pattern of homologous and divergent features that common ancestry would produce?

Why is ERV sequence necessary to trigger interferon production? What sequence in ERV specifically is required to trigger interferon, and how many ERV’s have this sequence?