The Burden of Proof and the Problem of Composition

So that’s ‘no’, you can’t name one.

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This is your answer?! :laughing: Did you understand the question? Here it is again:

I already know your antipathy toward atheists on our forum. I already know you don’t actually read the forum (the alternative is that you choose to lie about what atheists write and believe on this forum). I didn’t ask about those things, because I don’t care about any of them. I asked you to explain your characterization of the chapter in the OP.

Your question is not relevant to my issue. It is a rather obvious attemt to
deflect my point.


I do frequently misspell that word. It’s a quirk of my semantic neural

BUT NO, I will not stop claiming to speak for all Christian Evolutionists.

My position is NOT controversial to the millions of Christians who defend
evolutionary biology. Until you can get additional Christian Evolutionists
to appear and propose another assessment, I will continue to beat the
drum as the ONE drummer on these boards.


Well you aren’t speaking for me, so that’s at least one Christian evolutionist. I don’t know about @Mercer, @AllenWitmerMiller, and @swamidass, but I’m willing to bet they didn’t give you permission to speak for them either.



  1. It wasn’t my question.
  2. Your lack of answer breaks your ‘point’.
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That’s unfortunate. Can you at least stop claiming to speak for @swamidass? Can we put just a little limit on your self-important arrogance?



If you can get @swamidass to instruct me in what I can say or don’t say,
I will follow his instructions.

I get the distinct feeling that you and yours are exploiting his tolerant
nature well past the interests of his own cause.

I am mostly trying to get his attention on some of these matters for him
to offer judgment. When I explicitly state something that I think is Joshua’s
viewpoint it is because I actually believe the viewpoint to be shared by me and him.

When he tells me I’m wrong, then I will correct the relevant statement(s).


Hi George.

Please don’t claim to speak for anyone who hasn’t given you permission to do so. You may believe that you share a viewpoint with someone, but that doesn’t give you permission to attribute that viewpoint to them (unless you can find where they explicitly state it), much less to do so and then use it as an argument from authority.



I don’t need permission to speak for Christian Evolutionists. There are millions of them.

If you want a SPECIFIC Christian Evolutionist to have a bearing on the discussion, then naturally THEY will have to speak up and post something.


Yes, which is why you can’t speak for all of them. As I told you, I’m a Christian evolutionist and you aren’t speaking for me, and @Mercer told you the same thing. (So we DID speak up and post something, and you ignored it.) That alone means you can’t speak for all Christian evolutionists.


@misterme987 ,

Okay… today is the first time I’ve been explicitly informed that you and
@Mercer are Christian evolutionists. I hereby exclude you from my references… by avoiding the use of the term “ALL” or “EVERY”.

But now let’s get down to specifics with you … so that I can learn something
from your example. Do YOU accept the concept that Adam and Eve
**COULD HAVE BEEN CREATED by the GODHEAD recognized by **
mainstream Christians? If I may ask, what denomination are you? That
information would help as well.


Hi George.

I’m surprised you didn’t know that I’m a Christian, I’m very open about it. But never mind that.

Yes, I think GAE is certainly possible, and probably the best way to reconcile the traditional interpretation of Genesis with evolutionary science. I don’t consider denominations important at all. The church I go to has a denomination, but my faith has been strongly influenced by many different strains of Christianity, and I just consider myself a Christian.

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If he doesn’t know that about you or @Mercer, it simply means he can’t remember what he’s read on the forum. I would guess that he has been told this many times but here are the most recent:

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Could you provide me with link to a post where you defend the importance
of discussing de novo creation of Adam and Eve?

2nd Question:
How do you cope with the constant references to God’s inability and/or
unwillingness to employ evolutionary forces to create the pre-Adamite
human population?


Hi George.

What’s the meaning of this interrogation? Are you seriously testing whether I’m Christian enough to qualify as a “Christian evolutionist”? I’m honestly offended. But let me answer your questions anyway.

  1. See the post that Stephen linked above, where I did exactly this in a response to YOU not that long ago. Moreover, I have actually done the work to try to extend the GAE approach to the Flood, unfortunately to no avail, but I think I can safely say that’s more than you’ve done.

  2. Please link the posts where any atheist has said God is incapable of using evolution.




You are offended?
So much for your openness in discussing your Christian faith.

But I’m glad you say you will answer my questions. My intention is
to LEARN something from you. Maybe through your example I can be
less offended by the atheists here?


You’re surprised that I’m offended after I told you I’ve openly been a Christian, and you questioned if I’m Christian enough? Hmm. Let me ask you my own question.

Given your attitude toward atheists and your fellow Christians, can you link to the post where you display the love toward your neighbor that you are supposed to as a Christian?

Many thanks.


I don’t think so. By the way, I’m fine with being called a Christian, but “evolutionist” is ridiculous.

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