The first complete neuronal wiring diagram of an adult brain

I haven’t yet read the papers in any detail, but this looks major:

Connections between neurons can be mapped by acquiring and analysing electron microscopic brain images. In recent years, this approach has been applied to chunks of brains to reconstruct local connectivity maps that are highly informative1,2,3,4,5,6, but nevertheless inadequate for understanding brain function more globally. Here we present a neuronal wiring diagram of a whole brain containing 5 × 107 chemical synapses7 between 139,255 neurons reconstructed from an adult female Drosophila melanogaster 8,9. The resource also incorporates annotations of cell classes and types, nerves, hemilineages and predictions of neurotransmitter identities10,11,12. Data products are available for download, programmatic access and interactive browsing and have been made interoperable with other fly data resources. We derive a projectome—a map of projections between regions—from the connectome and report on tracing of synaptic pathways and the analysis of information flow from inputs (sensory and ascending neurons) to outputs (motor, endocrine and descending neurons) across both hemispheres and between the central brain and the optic lobes. Tracing from a subset of photoreceptors to descending motor pathways illustrates how structure can uncover putative circuit mechanisms underlying sensorimotor behaviours. The technologies and open ecosystem reported here set the stage for future large-scale connectome projects in other species.

Neuronal wiring diagram of an adult brain | Nature


So are they going to build one?

IIRC some-one simulated the ‘brain’ of C. elegans in software. Should be possible for this too.

I occasionally hear of scientists threatening to invent a new field and name it Omeomics just to put a stop to this trend of putting -ome at the end of everything. :wink:

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Scientists who want to stop the use of suffixes should try reading a book, given that they have seemingly endless spare time and scant intelligence. I wonder what they would have done in the 19th century when all those crazy -ologies were being invented, or when -ist was being added to the end of everything…


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