We probably all here are willing to accept the Bible as the divinely inspired Word of God. Frequently, though, individuals, groups and institutions will go beyond this and claim that the Bible is the flawless, written Word of God. Which Bible, I would ask?
As a linguist and amateur biblical scholar, this claim seems to me a step too far. There are many, often conflicting versions of the Bible… different collections of books… different translations… different readings. These are facts. There is no one written, flawless Bible.
Take, for example, the many hapax legomenon (words which appear only once), and perhaps more importantly the dis legomenon, tris legomenon and tetrakis legomenon which occur frequently in the Bible. We find these words translated many different and conflicting ways in the various versions of the Bible. Clearly the translators struggled and dithered in their attempts to translate these words. How can we then think that they are collectively without flaw? This would require a much greater suspension of disbelief than, for example, believing that The Matrix is real, and that our world is a simulation.
Anyone willing to take the red pill?