The most current scientific evidence for the existence of God?

Welcome, @Audrey!

I have some thoughts on your question. Properly understood, science is the study of the natural world - a body of knowledge about a specific subject, not all-encompassing. But God is supernatural. As such, looking to science as the primary source of arguments for God’s existence is looking somewhat in the wrong direction; arguments for God’s existence are part of philosophy, not science.

That being said, scientific findings can sometimes provide support for premises in philosophical arguments for God’s existence. There is much that can be said in favour of the argument from fine-tuning, in particular. I recommend Luke Barnes’ book “A Fortunate Universe” as an excellent, accessible read. He presents the fine-tuning evidence. But don’t forget that such evidence by itself is not an argument - one still needs to move from that evidence to the existence of God by arguing against alternative explanations of the evidence. (In fact, I have a few blog posts summarizing such an argument, starting here.)

I think fine-tuning would be your best starting point. The evidence for the Big Bang certainly makes it quite plausible to believe in the beginning of the physical universe, which supports a premise of the so-called Kalam cosmological argument for God’s existence, but most of the heavy lifting in that argument actually relies on philosophy rather than science (to an even greater degree than the fine-tuning argument).

Short answer: yes. Not that belief in an intelligent designer is obsolete, of course, but the evidence for evolution is overwhelmingly strong. If you believe in an intelligent designer for other reasons, as I do, it looks very much like he chose to design using the means of evolution. This forum is a good place to ask questions if you want to learn about these subjects.