I will admit that I’ve been finding it increasingly more frustrating than interesting, particularly its conclusion – when @structureoftruth ended up stating that “natures”, which is what the majority of this thread has been arguing about, does not in fact underlie his defense of the coherence of LFW – making this whole thread more than a little off-its-stated-topic.
I would also question the benefit of splitting out the ‘Comments on’ section.
This post from @John_Harshman is in many ways a more concise articulation of my issues with LFW than anything I’ve said here:
It was also replied to by this lengthy post that remains part of the ‘main’ ‘currated’ thread (meaning you have to jump back and forwards between thread to follow the conversation):
I would also suggest that this post from @nwrickert raises more questions about my worldview than anything in the ‘main’ ‘currated’ thread did: