Uncommon or Common Descent?

@colewd and @EricMH thanks for your patience. I’m sorry I was delayed.

It is correct that these are log units, but the interpretation is incorrect. We are supposed to compute percentages in log space, not as you are doing here. One reason is that even small errors in the dataset (especially if the dataset is large) will artificially increase the error (the magnitude of the Bayes factor) by a linear factor. Just increasing the size of a noisy database will increase the error. There is a lot more here, but at the end I’ll show how @Winston_Ewert responded on the main thread.

I’m unfamiliar with that rule. @Winston_Ewert provides no reference. A google search for “6.6 bits” reveals nothing relevant. He might have mispoken there.

Any how, the general question came up in the main thread…

It appears that @Winston_Ewert agrees with me here.

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