Valerie: Questions about TMR4A

Giraffes and Okapis descended from a common ancestor as inferred from comparative genomics, God be praised. Chimps and man descended from a common ancestor as inferred from comparative genomics, God be praised.

Read the answer I gave to John H above. God can’t help if you are so easily deceived. Why should he change his creative means and methods just to save you from self-deception?

Reality check @r_speir, there are hundreds of creation “data” out there, tell me why yours is true and others false?

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Because there is no beginning without God. There is no science without God. There is no you to ask me these questions without God.

State you complaint clearly.

@moderators I flagged a couple of posts because I think the discussion with @r_speir regarding the biochemical basis of mutations probably deserves it’s own thread.

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I agree @moderators. The posts making unsubstantiated assertions should just be removed.

Your use of “God is the answer to everything” is not even supported by God. Read your bible.


Your response didn’t address my question. Read it again and reply accordingly.

I did not make unsubstantiated assertions, so all my comments should be kept visible.

There is an elf that lives in your kitchen. It comes out at night to eat your food and do other elf stuff. Don’t ask me how I know, I just know.

@swamidass I did not make unsubstantiated assertions, so this comment should be kept visible.


So you believe in Loki?

Exactly what is the deception here? Are you saying the nested hierarchy does not exist? Or that it does exist and is a deception?

Numbers 23:19:
God is not a man, that He should lie. . .


Are you saying that BLAST does so? What about the software used to produce this tree that you brought up today?

And despite insisting that the science supports their view, they don’t really do the science.

You’d think that the coronavirus would induce them to start new vaccine companies and do tons of research at evangelical schools. That should be what they’d do if they truly believed, instead of writing books aimed at laypeople.


Yet another attempt to pretend science is mere interpretation and does not even involve testing any hypotheses.

It would seem that you don’t really believe that the evidence supports you if you have to ignore most of it and misrepresent the fundamental nature of science itself…


No. BLAST isn’t a tree-building program.

Yes. Look at the legend to the figure, for example: "determined by the maximum likelihood (ML) method " and “Evolutionary distances were computed using the Hasegawa-Kishino-Yano (HKY) model.” That is indeed an explicit model of evolution. I see they used MEGA, which is not what I would have done, but I expect it’s good enough for their purposes.

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Well, some of them do. But if they do it competently, it’s exactly the same sort of science that secular scientists (which is not to say atheist scientists) are doing.

Seeing nature as the creation of a god does not appear to have any practical or explanatory value that can be applied to science.