What if Adam was just a character in an Ancient Creation Story?

Yes, Africa, possibly the entire continent.


Yup - though itā€™s important to keep in mind the wide scope of what has been see as ā€œthe imageā€ - if it reflects (as Brian brock says) primarily Godā€™s vocation, then it just ā€œisā€, and manā€™s increasing conformity to Christ, or not, would be seen better using some other concept than ā€œimage.ā€

Nevertheless ā€œimageā€ is a gradated or differentiated matter in some way. Man was, creationally, in the image of Christ. And yet the Christian calling is to change from bearing ā€œthe image of the earthly manā€ to being conformed to the ā€œimage of the heavenly man.ā€ (1 Cor 15:19 for the curious)


Perhaps if Adam had passed his test, thatā€™s exactly the journey he would have started on.

Donā€™t Angels also have a vocation from God?
Do you see anything unique about Adams vocation.

The image of God would not just seperarate human beings from animalsā€¦ but also from angelsā€¦Why would a measly human be considered worthy to judge Angels ?


Angels? vocations? Are their Angel Engineers?

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We may need to consult Denis Venema here. As I understand it, the human population displays ā€œincomplete lineage sortingā€ vis a vis ape ancestors.

What that means is that the human population was never in one place long enough to agree on one complete set of genes from our ancestors: some populations have more orang utan or chimp genes than another. As far as I can see that suggests a picture of small populations scattering, occasionally cross-breeding, hybridising with different variant populations (or Neanderthals) etc.

Now imagine human speciation occurring in that kind of scenario, and there need never have been a ā€œcore populationā€ all together at one place or time. So thatā€™s why itā€™s a bit tricky even to define our ā€œhumanityā€ in biological terms - theology probably gives us a better handle on it.


I think that was exactly Satanā€™s reasoning in the garden!


Yupā€¦ you got itā€¦
And they are coming for your job!..

Better build a wall fastā€¦ :wink:

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I donā€™t know about that.

I remember, at perhaps 5 years of age, wondering ā€œAre we just animals?ā€ So I think it may be natural question. And one of the ways that we differ from other animals, is that we have so much knowledge ā€“ which the Adam and Eve story explains (or pseud-explains).

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I am so glad I am retired. :sunglasses:


Yup - the ones that build bridges are call arch angels.:smile:


Thatā€™s a good one. LOL.


Well certainly, if you believe current theories about Gobekli Tepe, it corresponded to a change from humans seeing themselves as part of nature, to seeing themselves as above it. That corresponds to what Owen Barfield proposed in Saving the Appearances.

I just donā€™t think Genesis teaches that, though it may well be symptomatic of the change, if Barfield is right.

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Thatā€™s very confusing. So how do you still hold to some sort of ā€œformā€ of the human being? Iā€™m asking because I donā€™t want to give up this idea either. How does someone like Denton deal with this? He makes a good case for a saltational change regarding language, but did that happen in one individual or several independently of each other? I guess I really donā€™t understand this. I donā€™t see how human beings COULDNā€™t have all started in one locale. I ā€œgetā€ the human population size part but not the ā€œwe were never in one localeā€ part. How is that possible?

@swamidass, can you help?

Swamidass may well clarify the ā€œsingle locusā€ question, but I donā€™t think he does substantial forms! If we hold to formal causation, then itā€™s the same question wherever we look in evolution. The trouble is that there arenā€™t many Aristotelian evolutionary biologists out there to explore the possibilities!

Iā€™m just in conversation with physicist Ian Thompson over at The Hump, whoā€™s playing around with the idea of formal and final causation in the protein folding problem. Since evolution involves protein folds as well as populations, it seems relevant.


Letā€™s remember that the Hebrew phrase ā€œthen God created man in His image; male and female created He themā€ doesnā€™t contain the slightest hint of information on either 1) how long it took to get to that ā€œpunctilinearā€ description, nor 2) what means God availed Himself of to accomplish it; IT ONLY ASSERTS 3) that, as a result of Godā€™s action, something completely new and novel had been brought into existence.

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Im curious how one would interpret the Song of Songs as about Christ and the church? The Bible reveals that God sanctifies both body and Spirit. We were created male and female where Godā€™s handiwork starts in the womb. And He made us sexual beings where sexuality is to be celebrated and enjoyed in marriage. I see no reason to take Solomons poem here about the beauty of sexual relations and the sanctity of the human body and spiritualize it to mean something more than that. Can u provide a case that would sway me away from this view?

oh yes, the beauty and sanctity of sexual relations of Solomonā€™s 700 wives and 300 concubines.

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Where did he get the time to actually rule?

well he did die at 59 years old (with a smile on his face).

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I remember asking the same question at age 18 when I was living in a freshman-sophomore dorm at a state university.