Why Speir Distrusts Us

Isn’t that exactly what I did? Did you read my response or not? S. Joshua Swamidass: The Rejoinder for the Sapientia Symposium

What did you think of my reasoning in that response?

You may not have realized this, but I’ve had @pnelson’s review for about 2 months now. This is actually the second version of it. And I wrote my response to him about a month ago. So the conversation on the forum is a bit after the fact.

He will be back. Don’t worry. He is an off and on participant. We are on good terms.

When you see people disparaging his character you are supposed to flag the post. Did you do this? @moderators will look into it and usually we will approve flags by minorities on the forum such as yourself. You can’t really blame us for the behavior of random people on an open forum if you don’t give us a chance to correct it.