(S. Joshua Swamidass)
July 26, 2018, 2:48am
Runyon. “learn the relevant biology. Something I’ve always felt he has struggled with”. A TE/EC Biologos advocate among us I see engaging in passive-aggressive tactics. Well at least you are not going down the same route as Ted Davis, Dennis Venema, Christy and Applegate who have called/dismissed Craig a “Creationist” in the pejorative sense.
@theman8469 , you are misfiring. We are not TE/EC here. Just search for “BioLogos” on this forum, and you will see we are not them. @T.j_Runyon is informing you of about Craig. Check it out:
Continuing the discussion from William Lane Craig on Peaceful Science :
I see WLC as an example of a wise an honest leader, doing courageous and humble work to make sense of our moment for the Church. Thanks to @AllenWitmerMiller for pointing out William Lain Craig’s latest newsletter (July Monthly Report - 2018 ). I’m including some key excerpts below (not quoted) with emphasis and links added at times.
His comments add to those from @kkeathley and @rcohlers last week: Ken Keathley: Notes from Dabar and a Baptist's Hope .
William Lane Craig on Historical Adam
The Creation Project conference on the historical Adam, which I described in our last Update, turned out to be time very well spent, indeed! The question of the historical Adam is a multi-faceted problem, and so the conference brought together by invitation only biblical scholars, scientists, theologians, and philosophers for frank, off-the-record discussions of this question. Hosted by Trinity Evangelical Divinity School [TED…
Seems like some has been following our conversations on genetics. Looking forward to seeing him at Dabar.
Geneticists comparing the DNA of different people have shown how widely divergent their DNA is in terms of the mutations it exhibits. These mutations are why we differ in skin color, size, facial contours, etc., etc. Mutations in human beings occur at a very slow rate. In order for the present, divergent mutations to develop, it’s estimated that more than 500,000 years would be required if the human race began with a solitary couple.
He is one of our friends. We are working with him as he takes a closer look at the historical Adam.