Winston Ewert: The Dependency Graph of Life

I agree.

Just to help you out, here is on example of a study that shows human diversity (which obviously results from common descent) does not show a tree pattern (Inference and Analysis of Population Structure Using Genetic Data and Network Theory | Genetics | Oxford Academic). I can produce more examples when you are ready to engage on that. Alan Templeton, a leading population geneticist, argues that not a single human diversity dataset he has examined survives a statistical test to see if it is a tree (private communication).

As I stated earlier, human variation data serves as an excellent negative control. If you solve the technical problems in this approach, the signal should disappear when you look at human diversity data. Gnomad ( should provide more than enough data to test this. When that analysis is done, whatever the results, please let us know. Even if it does not work out, you get credit for being upfront about the negative results.

Thank you too. It has been a pleasure having you here. Whenever you would like to re-open the conversation, let us know. I will reopen it for you. It seems like many of us are looking forward to seeing how this develops.

Cite this exchange with DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1318762.

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