Sounds like more than 78% think God was involved somehow or another.
I wish Gallup would show questions about trust in science in relation to Creationism. They DO ask about trust in science in other contexts:
What do you mean, Dan? What survey question(s) are you suggesting they pose? @Dan_Eastwood
Interesting, 36% of those who identify as Religion = None say that God was involved in creating man or guiding the creation of man. @patrick Are these your Nones?
If you hold to the de novo GAE, wouldn’t you technically also qualify as a creationist according to this definition?
It seems as though the article’s title is unnecessarily specific… Gallup probably does not consider the label “Creationist” to be as loaded a term as it is. At least here.
I didn’t explain that well … but here is an example. This chart from the main page shows that a lot of people with no trust in science also have no trust in government:
AND this (from chapter 4) shows a relatively high proportion (40% compared to 36% Worldwide) of people in North America do not think the work scientists do benefits people:
What I don’t see from Gallup is the association between Creationism and (lack of) trust in science.
I don’t think everyone who is a Creationist distrusts science, but those who do are very vocal.
Yes. IIRC Gallup is very inclusive about who it calling “Creationist”. I think if we could break this down we would see that many of these people also accept science.
I consider it to be a “forced choice” question, where the choices given make the respondent take a definitive position that may not accurately describe their true opinion. Here is the question:
Which of the following statements comes closest to your views on the origin and development of human beings –
- Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process,
- Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God had no part in this process,
- God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so?
More info here: View complete question responses and trends.
No, these Nones are not true and devout atheists. These Nones just don’t go to church, don’t give any money to a church, and are not involved in any kind of religious activity. In the Northeast, I would say most people in my age group and millennials are Ex-Catholic Nones. They don’t express themselves as Nones but grew up Catholic but haven’t been to Mass in decades. They probably remember the Genesis story and have limited knowledge of evolution and the Big Bang. I would say most of these Nones consider religion irrelevant in their lives. So these Nones answer the survey question sure God created the Adam and Eve like in the kindergarten story and gave them iPhones to order pizza with.
Pollls have shown for decades a vast majority believe God was hands on in making this or that. probably a mjority agree evolution is right about this or that. the people are just accepting evolution as long as iot does not interfere with their acceptance of a creator. its illogical but people just draw conclusions and logical lines between them are not the priority. i actuallu discovered this.
the bigger point is how the nations institutions and general media culture do not include and recognize this great opinion of the people. thus showing those in control are not representative of the people. they are a minority elite just like in world history of elites controling the people.
Creationism really does have a lot to work with. the bas guys are not doing well despite the unnatural dominance in anything that reaches large audiences easily.
Statistics failure - you’re assuming the views of the missing 5%.
More like a reading failure. I didn’t read the article yet, just the excerpt.