Continuing the discussion from 20 Years Ago, the Intelligent Design Movement’s “Wedge Document” Was Exposed:
I don’t want to ruin a good thing by drawing attention to it, but this is worth unpacking. This question and topic is likely to hit on some nerves, but it is important. For this reason, it will be more tightly controlled by the @moderators. Do not deface this thread with a silly argument.
@patrick, this is a genuinely surprising and important comment coming from you. It seems to signal that some of us are willing to move past the 2+ decade negative history with ID if it can “reform” some how. Here is my follow up question…
Imagine a perfect world that includes, somehow, the Discovery Institute, Intelligent Design, and the key concerns of this group. Imagine that we can somehow move beyond the “past sins” of DI/ID, and wipe the slate clean of the current personalities (as will likely happen by natural attrition in the next 15 years). imagine that “cheaters” and “spoilers” can be controlled somehow from screwing up this utopian world.
In this perfect future, what could Intelligent Design become? What would they be doing that would have value and grant legitimacy to them? What could be their New Way forward? What could be a New Deal between ID and mainstream science?
I’m honestly curious how people part of this conversation for a while might answer this question, including both ID proponents and critics (@bjmiller, @Art, @Patrick, @Philosurfer, @Agauger, @pnelson, @John_Harshman, @T_aquaticus, @glipsnort, @TedDavis, etc.).
Who can give me the answer that is (1) most plausibly achievable and (2) most peacemaking? Be constructive. Don’t just say that all ID leaders will all commit ritual suicide, or that evolutionary biologists will suddenly agree that Irreducible Complexity is a valid argument (it is not). That is alternately mean and silly. Answers like that are not constructive, and are not a New Deal. I suspect it might require some adjustment from mainstream science too, just maybe.