Continuing the discussion from Genetic Entropy:
@PDPrice, I’ve defended you a few times from charges of dishonesty by others. I don’t think you are dishonest.
You are a writer for CMI, but your comments here are not official. You’ve been repeating some of the arguments on genetic entropy here. Several gaps in your understanding were uncovered, and you’ve done a good job at acknowledging them. I respect this.
Let me suggest an activity that would be really interesting and important, and it would also build trust with your audience here.
Would you consider submitting an article at explaining the questions you now have about genetic entropy now that you’ve talked to some scientists here about it? I’d encourage you to clarify those questions in a charitable way with people here, and you should still be clear about your YEC position. Questions, however, are legitimate and valuable. I’d respect you being open and honest about the questions rising in your mind.
Of course, maybe Carter and Sanford have straightforward answers. Maybe they would reply, or maybe not. It is not really an attack on them or their credibility. Instead, it is an opportunity for you to take a path that is true to your YEC beliefs, but also respectable to us.
What do you think?