An exhortation from Greg on Genesis, miracles, and natural evil

It may be “clear” to you but not at all to me. Not in the English text and not in the Hebrew text.

Adam and Eve were told by God that they could eat the fruit of all of the trees in the garden except for the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. You are proposing that, somehow, Adam and Eve never got around to eating of the Tree of Life’s fruit but that God was suddenly concerned that they would decide to do so after the recent turn of events.


Indeed. Perhaps Greg will insist that mayflies used to live forever but after the fall God assigned them a lifespan of just one day—while granting bristlecone pines thousands of years. Apparently, according to Greg, a huge number of changes in the earth’s biosphere took place after the fall in a “second creation” (i.e., or at least, total overhaul) which the Bible somehow fails to mention! (Perhaps before citing the favorite prooftext about the creation “groaning”, @Greg should read some of those “intricate” commentaries to see what he may be misunderstanding.)