I write this on 9/11 (Sept. 11), the anniversary of an infamous terrorist attack (from 2001). The terrorists who did this were following the high moral standards provided by their god – who seems to be the same god as that of Christians.
What? No. I already know you are incorrect. The fact is that you are so very incorrect that I would hope others who take Hebrew studies more seriously would point out your error (rather than I).
In the strictest technical sense Allah is Yahweh. The issue in my mind is that the Jews and Muslims diverged by adding layers of human interpretation to the Bible. In the case of Muslims it is the Quran and in the case of the Jews it is the Talmud.
Especially today, we should be careful about hot-button issues. Let’s give a thought (or pray) to those who died, and not use it as a wedge to further divide people. We all need to learn how to get along with others.
Jews, being first, get first dibs on claims of divergence, IMHO. Plus, there is no one and no group that doesn’t add layers of human interpretation to the Bible, which in this context would be the Tanakh or Jewish scriptures.
Doesn’t everyone see the problem here? 911 is tragic because it shows how harmful beliefs can be. 1.5 billion Muslims believe that their God Allah is the one true God. 100 million Jews believe that God of the Old Testament is the one true God. 2 billion Christians believe that the God of the Old Testament is part of a Trinity of Gods which includes the man-God Jesus of 2000 year ago Judea and the even more mystical Holy Spirit God. All can’t be true. But all can be not true.
Hasn’t mankind evolved enough to transcend belief in ancient Gods or at least stop killing each other over what God we believe or don’t believe in?
While this is true, can’t it be said about virtually everything? Aren’t most human tragedies cause by beliefs of some sort? I get your point, but isn’t it beliefs that fuel hate rather than love the more direct cause of these tragedies than religion in general? I doubt we’ll see the Amish doing something similar to the 9/11 attacks any time soon.
Why can’t they all be true, to differing extents or in different ways?
I’m sort of thinking of the following quote from N.T. Wright:
"I propose a form of critical realism. This is a way of describing the process of “knowing” that acknowledges the reality of the thing known, as something other than the knower (hence “realism”), while fully acknowledging that the only access we have to this reality lies along the spiralling path of appropriate dialogue or conversation between the knower and the thing known (hence “critical”).
Just as a thought, perhaps Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are all talking about the same reality (God) but are in different places in terms of how much of that reality they actually “see” or experience. Is that possible?
Or perhaps they’re not talking about reality at all. Why should we acknowledge the reality of the thing known? Once more, is Batman the same person as Bruce Wayne?