I am treading a fine line at times on my blog. I want to be accessible to YEC that are real seekers. I understand their concerns and know that bashing is neither effective nor the right thing to do. I am also calling out error where I see it if I think that interferes with what is really important: the message of the gospel.
Regarding the attendance thing. I do think is appropriate that RTB and BioLogos not engage in battles over the Ark attendance. They don’t need to be that messenger. Since I have been more engaged with the an assessment of the YEC movement and its influence I feel like I’m more in a position to comment on the significance of changes in the YEC sphere. I have a running blog post that comments on the attendance at the Ark. I hope it doesn’t sound like the Patheos or other atheist article out there. In fact I have been critical of them because the have over-reached in their conclusions and frequently misrepresented Ham’s words. My overall take is that the Ark isn’t the raging success, from a people walking through the doors perspective, as Ham and others had hoped but it hardly a failure. Its success, from an influence on the minds of his followers and beyond, far exceeds the simply financial bottom line. I think they Ark will be around far longer than most atheists hope and believe and I hope to provide help to those that go to the ark and find themselves confused and looking for other answers. I want to lead them to a theologically sound alternative not simply despair and rejection of Christianity that they believe is one in the same with Ken Ham’s Christianity.