Ark Encounter Sold Fewer Tickets This September Than Last September

I definitely can see your point. On the other hand, the veneration shared in common by Suni and Shiite Muslims doesn’t stop them from attacking one another’s shrines.

But their issues with Christianity do not inhibit comraderie over creation science and ID.

Terrorism is NOT the most likely cause of mass casualty events. There are many more natural causes of mass casualties. How about a storm? High winds knock down one of those timber beams on the Ark injuring several. And then you have to get every one out safely. Something like this overwhelms a little town. It also overwhelms the entire county and the State and the Federal Government. So even though terrorism at the Ark is unlikely, a mass casualty event is extremely likely. My guess is that bus loads of senior citizens will get sick eating the pre-Fall Hamburgers at the Cafe. They would need a large emergency response team to treat them.

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Agreed. (Yikes. I’m surprised if I somehow implied that it was. I don’t recall saying anything like that.)

The difference between mass casualties in a natural disaster or fire (for examples) versus a terrorist mass casualty event with hostages is the far more complex kinds of coordination involved between agencies, which small communities in remote areas are least equipped to handle. (And ENTs and even hospital ERs in remote areas are usually far less familiar with treating injuries from explosives and military-caliber bullets. That is why the military often trains doctors in Washington DC hospitals in areas with a higher incidence of high-caliber shootings. One ER doctor friend told me that his DC ER experience was shockingly similar to his Afghanistan experience.)

No worries! Ken Ham claims that there were no hamburgers to be eaten before the fall because there was no death for critters! (Indeed, he says that even pre-Flood there was no hamburger eaten.)

How about another New Madrid type of earthquake?

And how many veterinarians would it take to treat all of the injured pairs of animals on Ham’s Ark? Think of all of the SEVENS of clean animals and so many pairs of unclean animals and . . . .

Oh. That’s right. There are zero animals in the Ark Encounter boat-shaped building. Even with modern ventilation technology, sanitation equipment, modern plumbing, and electricity, there was no manageable way to create exhibits safe for so many animals and people. I’ve often wondered how long it would take for black molds and shelf-mushrooms to take over----especially seeing how only wooden materials could be used. (Needlessly to say, hoofed animals wouldn’t last long defecating and urinating on slatted wooden floors.)

I have often wondered how many visitors to the Ark Encounter leave the place overwhelmed by the realization that the only way any of the most basic logistical problems of the ark could be solved for the year of the flood would be minute-by-minute miracles involving divine intervention. Indeed, I would much prefer it if Ham would approach the problems that way: Don’t even try to promote his lame “pre-flood technology” solutions and simply claim that God made everything work. I’d be fine with that. Keep the “ark science” out of it.


Yes, it is like watching a train crash in slow motion.

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That’s actually not an inaccurate analogy. Meanwhile, as a Christ-follower, I am very concerned that Ham continues to promote a series of false dichotomies which will continue to sow seeds of confusion for years to come. And perhaps the most significant of these false dichotomies is his virtual agreement with atheists like Richard Dawkins: “You can embrace the Bible or evolutionary biology but not both.” and “You can affirm the Bible or billions of years but not both.” The list goes on.


That and the children who are brought up to fear asking any questions, and this fear becomes a life long habit.