Title: Reconstructing contact and a potential interbreeding geographical zone between Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans
By reconstructing contact and a potential interbreeding geographical zone between Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans, we can be quite certain that creation story in Genesis is a myth. The attached paper explores the contact zones between Neanderthals and Modern Humans prior to 40,000 years ago. Millions of whole sequence DNA samples from people all over the world show these intermingling of humans with Neanderthals. This shows that placing an agricultural GAE by God with no evidence in today’s genetic code is just another made up excuse in order to appease narrow minded YECs. Science continues to advance while people like William Lane Craig continue to see how to reconcile science with ancient texts of pre-scientific cultures. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-70206-y
Thanks for posting the link. The paper is not very interesting and has zero relevance for the GAE (or for an “agricultural GAE” which I assume is something you made up) but [shrug].
to conform with the text of Genesis, Adam and Eve were agriculturalist and had domesticated animals which according to science didn’t begin to occur until about 12,000 years ago in several places simultaneously. This limits the time when Adam and Eve could have been miraculously created.
This is basic background on the GAE, which you either didn’t read about or somehow didn’t understand. If you someday read an entire article (not even a book! you can do it!) about the GAE, you will learn that the two imagined miraculously created people entered a world full of pre-existing humans. Those humans can be farmers and ranchers and anything else, and that would have nothing whatsoever, not the slightest bit, to do with the GAE concept.