Cartoon Friday #8

Recent events are such a gold mine for political wit that every comedy writer out there—especially those working for the late night talk shows—is coming up with similar material. I saw at least two versions of this same pop culture reference within 48 hours of my cartoon response to these latest appointments. (My twist was to add an outside-the-franchise reference as a rimshot.)

Some jokes write themselves. (And some jokes get presidential appointments.)

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Another easy one:

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Something very highbrow to clear the palette. (OK, not so much.)

A shout out to @misterme987 for sending me the image file. Kudos!


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@misterme987 made the astute observation that the guy on the monitor behind the newscaster somehow just doesn’t quite look like Tucker Carlson.


This was inspired by an actual headline on the front page of the British Daily Mail.


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And here are two really stupid jokes to end a really stupid week:




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