Christianity and evolution are logically incompatible

I’ve never seen you discuss the science in 3+ years across multiple boards. You’re great at ignoring scientific evidence and regurgitating long discredited ID-Creationist garbage but that’s not the same thing.


And there… you did it again.

You say it is going to be CHALLENGING to convince people God can make Evolution work?

That’s pretty flaky for a Christian to say, don’t you think? What is it that God cannot do?.. especially something in the realm of natural processes?

Your hear Behe say it, you see him say it … Behe sees it all as evolution … but guided by God.

You? … you are so allergic to the word Evolution, you would rather wander the streets of the world “tilting at atheist windmills” than just settle down and see how much evidence there is on the side of Evolution.

Gad… I hate that mosquito-like whine… getting louder all the time from the die-hards…

You don’t know what a scientific claim is Tim so your poor observation here is not surprise.

I know dozens of people have called you on your scientific ineptitude and complete inability to learn a single thing about the science your reject. :slightly_smiling_face:

@colewd, I listened to you long enough. I can’t stand to feed the ego of a denialist another day…

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God can easily make evolution work. He can also use other vehicles. I think evolution is real it is just a partial explanation.

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Prove it, @colewd. Just sit down, unclinch your teeth and admit that God could make a whale with Evolution more easily than you can make cheese!

Whats a denialist George. Someone you disagree with?


Someone who is allergic to a word because they think a word, a concept, will destroy the whole Universe… BINGO … you’re my poster child…

I agree George God can make evolution work. Lets end with common ground :slight_smile:


Not until you agree to stop arguing about whether Evolution works without God.

NOTHING works without God. Don’t be so fixated on a point, that you will let it hound you all the way to the grave, when it is all in God’s hands!

I have no problem with Evolution and think that it is a good explanation for many things. My claim is that it is just a particle explanation.

Not soon enough! :slightly_smiling_face:


Great… then start selling the partial explanation … and adamantly refuse to attempt to sell it by saying Evolution can’t do it all. That’s a loser’s way to argue.

Let’s start talking about candidates for OTHER elements involved… okay?

You are right. We are in a designed universe. Part of evolution can be assigned to physics and chemistry and cellular mechanisms. Part we cannot find a direct mechanism. The scientific discussion if figuring out how much we can assign to observable nature.

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I could fall on MY sword for a statement this reasonable… memorize it. Don’t lose it. And stop fighting demons that don’t even know your name…

I am simply discussing known mechanistic limitations. If we add mind to the equation we then have a pretty big tent to bring to the table.


Let’s see what you bring. Tents are easy to raise higher … and they don’t retain hot air all that much!


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