That’s not what I am talking about here. I said nothing about denying evolution. I merely pointed out that it’s clear that evolutionary biologists disagree over things, and air their disagreements. I’ve seen Larry Moran air his disagreements with other scientists regarding the mechanism of evolution, on his blog site. In plain English, he is debating some of their claims.
In the past, when you have mocked the idea of science involving any “debate”, you have made it as a general statement, not restricted to evolution or even to biology. You have said that in science everything is about data, and that debate has no place. (Yes, I’m paraphrasing, but that’s the sense, that is what has clearly come across.) And you’ve said this in discussions where it’s quite clear that “evolution denialism” is not being asserted, but only “X and Y disagree about evolutionary mechanisms, and give reasons for their disagreement.” On BioLogos I said that while data was important in science, even more important was the interpretation of the data. A pile of data with no interpretive framework means nothing. That’s the difference between the Baconian notion of science, which never got anywhere, and Galileo’s notion of science, which was productive. And when evolutionary biologists disagree, it’s usually not over the data, but over what it means, what it proves, etc. Those disagreements are debates, in the normal English meaning of the term.
I don’t think very many evolutionary biologists deny the data that Shapiro points to, but rather what he draws from it. The debate is over whether he has established that “organismal self-engineering” is an important factor in evolutionary change, not over whether the changes in microbes that he documents have occurred. But there is a debate. Every negative book review or blog post on his work constitutes a debate with him.
I have not seen one case where I have used the term “debate”, here or on other sites, where you have not shown hostility to the use of the term, even though it’s plain from context that I have meant only the “reasoned public disagreements over mechanism between evolutionary theorists.” Nobody but you has made a big deal about the word “debate”. Nobody. You’ve got an unnecessary bee in your bonnet about the word. Hence my playful elbow. If you can’t take a playful nudge like that, regarding one of your pet peeves, then it’s best that we not converse with each other at all. Which I think both of us already knew, and everyone else here as well.