CS Lewis: Till We Have Faces

Haven’t read the book but this quote resonates deeply with me. This perfectly encapsulates why the true “supernatural” is not something that you can prove through empirical science. When science studies something, it turns it into an isolated object with no relation to the observer. We can manipulate the object such that it gives us information about itself on our terms. But this is so different from the way God wants to have a relationship with us. God doesn’t always give us what we want on our own terms. God can answer our prayers in ways which are utterly different from what we imagine it to be. Therefore, even if natural theology can show some things, it can only give us rational knowledge of God, which is comparatively superficial to the knowledge that is gained through a personal relationship with God.

This quote also reminds me of Martin Buber’s book I and Thou, which similar touches upon the scientific mindset of “I and it” (where we treat something as an an object to be used and experienced) vs. the spiritual mindset of “I and thou” (where we treat something as someone to have a two-way relationship with). I haven’t read Buber directly, but one of my friends keeps quoting and explaining his thought.