Everything up until Adam and Eve worked according to God’s will, which is why at the end of creation God deemed it all “good”. Starting with Adam and Eve there were two wills in existence who behaved not according to God’s will, but according to their own.
Without free will there is no fall.
Oh yeah, haha, it was you. Anyway, here it is again …
Why does that influence spread to everyone? Or does it?
Actually, this is a gray area currently. What is all but certain is that right where/when the events of Genesis are said to have taken place, from that point forward human culture changed drastically. And it spread from there all throughout the world and basically shaped the world as we know it now.
Initially I thought it must be genetic. The way it spread and propagated made it appear that way. But then someone here explained how a single mating pair’s chromosomes, splitting with each generation, would be all but gone in a dozen or so rounds.
In Sumer, where it all began, according to their documents the first “god” showed up one day, named Enki, and established the first city. Taught them the ways of civilization. According to the Sumerians, they were created by these gods to serve them. The people worked the farm land and provided for the god that lived in the temple at the center of the city.
When Cain was banished God explained that the ground was cursed, and that Cain would become a “restless wanderer”, basically having to resort to migrating the way humans had to do for millennia. Yet then it says Cain “settled” and built a city. I suspect this is what happened.
So, all of that to say this. I suspect it maybe was genetic, it just didn’t transform the entirety of the population. The civilizations born of that time/place were actually created by small groups of leaders.
So, it would appear, that in the same way they devised irrigation methods to alter the natural world and bend it to their will, these first humans with free will basically “domesticated” the indigenous humans of their region to do their bidding. Invented slavery to solve a problem.
That definitely fits the M.O. of free will.
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