Darwin Devolves - Another Huge Advance Against Darwinism and for Intelligent Design

Now you can ask them about vitamin A as well!

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I also like to ask them about obligate carnivores and death before the fall.


Getting back to the OP: the DI canā€™t be very happy with how Darwin Devolves is selling. After the usual opening week bump by the ID regulars the sales have been steadily declining and have now slipped below 2500 in Amazon sales rank. Soon weā€™ll see the ads ā€œDD is the perfect Easter gift!ā€

I notice too Behe and EN havenā€™t touched Dr. Lenskiā€™s part IV curb stomping of DD. They canā€™t even think of a plausible sounding hand-wave. :slightly_smiling_face:


You guys give yourselves way too much credit. I read some of Lenski and thought life is pretty cool. It actually seems to be more than just alive sometimes - it actually seems to ā€˜thinkā€™. However, I found nothing in what I read to validate or even begin to hypothesize that an ape can become a man in Godā€™s image. Strange thought evolution is. Yours will always be the outsider looking in, hoping to gain entrance, but never will.

Just a contravening thought for your afternoon. I will now wait for the crowd to gather and start piling on. (and rather enjoy watching as it happens)

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There are numerous journal articles out there describing how genetic replication is compromised (and thus leading to mutations) by any number of exposure to chemicals, radiation, and other environmental factors.

Thatā€™s all at the minute level you call for: biochemical interactions!


You believe God can make a human that is put together from the chemicals of dust in a day ā€¦ but you donā€™t think God, over the course of thousands of eons, could make humans from a population of already living Great Apes?

How odd.

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A simple question comes to mind. You guys admire yourselves so much for your honesty and donā€™t mind reminding us of it quite a number of times.

Question: do you think you could possibly be wrong about evolution and that God the Creator was in fact the source of all we see?

Ummm, evolutionary theory doesnā€™t even attempt to answer this question.

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oh ok

But not a single one of them says anything at all about how an intelligence is doing design.

Make that a Super Intelligence and your argument is baseless

Why must the two views be diametrically opposed? I believe God is Creator, and I believe evolution is the tool He has used in His creative work.


You first.

Iā€™ve seen this gambit too many times to count.

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Thanks. No I am not wrong about God being the sole Creator. Your turn.

Because the One does not need the ā€˜toolā€™. You are the one trying to put it in his hand. He doesnā€™t want it.

I could be wrong. But nothing you say could change my mind, since your mind is closed to any rational discussion.


My apologiesā€¦ I misinterpreted the viewpoint you were asking about.

Behe says the ā€œintelligenceā€ is injected into Time-Space by Godā€™s configuration of the starting place for EVERYTHING in the Universe before the Big Bang.

Before the Big Bang, there was no space, no time, no anything that Science can access or detect.

So, ironically, @swamidass is more tolerant of ā€œsuper-naturalā€ or ā€œmiraculousā€ events by God than even Behe is. But, of course, @swamidass doesnā€™t propose any massively non-scientific interpretations like Six days of Creation.

He is very much bound to the use of relying on the millions of data points provided by natural evidencesā€¦ with the Faith side of his world view augmented by the Bible.

I donā€™t believe He needed the tool, I just think He left plenty of evidence for us to see that He did.


You are misinterpreting what you see as evidence. Could you possibly be wrong?

@gbrooks9 No worries.

Behe says lots of things that arenā€™t true. Why believe that one? :man_shrugging:

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