(S. Joshua Swamidass)
Yes very true. I’m writing a whole chapter on the Yadam and Meve problem. @Davidson recently helped me refine some of my thinking on this.
@MStrauss, I just saw your article and wrote you an email. I’m curious how you deal two things.
Yadam and Meve Do Not Imply a Bottleneck
Evidence Against a Single Couple Bottleneck More Recent that 500 kya
This was covered in detail here: Heliocentric Certainty Against a Bottleneck of Two? - #12 by swamidass
Also, it appears that Neandertals interbred with Sapiens, which would push a single couple origin to about that time frame too.
Two Theological Questions
How do you theologically think about interbreeding between Adam’s lineage and others?
Where in Scripture do you derive the importance of genetic inheritance from Adam and Eve? Where does Scripture speak of DNA?
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