Evidence of Afterlife or Not?

Science nor me are telling a person anything. We are just listening and trying to understand what the person is saying. Each and every person who claims to have had a near death experience is listened to and compared with the data on hand during the near death experience. Then the data is collected and analyzed with every other NDEs. Similarities emerge, conclusions are drawn. That is how science works.

A guy I had coffee with the other day said that during the Thanksgiving Weekend last year that he had died and was revived by paramedics. He thanks God for letting him live again and he said it was Jesus who told him this during the time that he was dead . He said that Jesus said to him that Jesus wasn’t ready for him yet. I asked my son about this who is an EMT in town. Looking up the records, the guy lost consciousness for about 15 seconds, his heart never stopped beating and he was treated at the hospital for dehydration and released.