Evidence of Afterlife or Not?


You keep trying to make belief, faith and truth about Science.

It’s really not about Science, it’s about a person’s VERDICT on the evidence in his or her life.

I say VERDICT, because it is not Science that is ultimately summoned on one’s death bed,
should one be so lucky as to have a moment so distinct. It’s about Evidence gathered in
one’s life and a FINAL VERDICT (or any number of preliminary verdicts if a Final Verdict
is denied a person).

A person can make it “all about the Science”… or he/she can make it a blend of Science and
other matters… or he/she can make it all about matters other than Science.

Science is what should be employed in the conduct of civil affairs… it is above the claims of

But what a person individually summons can be whatever he or she feels is necessary for

You can conduct “science shaming” about Christianity if you so desire… but please do so
outside the confines of www.PeacefulScience.Org. We would all appreciate it.
