Evolution of the Placenta

It was excellent. Slamdunk in my opinion. But why does Dr. Gauger deserves such attention? It is not like she is some leading light in evolutionary biology. She has her conclusions in mind before she does the analysis (IDer did it). She backs into her conclusion by saying "Hey look over here, our understanding is weak, therefore I can insert the IDer into the gaps in understanding (which aren’t real gaps at all). She does not DO real science, just reports on perceived gaps found the work of others. Real science hasn’t taken her or Discovery Institute seriously for 10 years if they ever did. As the courts said ID is creationism which is religion not science. Having a real scientist of your caliber who actually does science elevates her to higher level than she has earned and deserves. She belongs with Dr. Jeanson, Dr. Faulkner, Dr. Lisle, and Dr. Snelling as former scientists who no longer do science but use their previous scientific credentials to mock, distort, ridicule the real accomplishment of today’s real scientists. It lacks integrity and she should be treated as such at real scientific conferences and by real scientific journals.