Former Creation Museum Staffer Exposes “Toxic Culture” of Ken Ham’s Empire

Sorry, just now seeing your comment- This is what was said: “Also, being new to the area, I had attended Truth Community Church in Milford, OH, on the word of acquaintances at work. It turned out later that Tcomm (as it’s known) is actually considered a cult because of how it treats people.”

To not only forward such information in this way which most definately is a form of gossip that paints a picture of this church as being like a “cult” as well the disparaging comments of the childrens ministry leader’s character of the church i attend as one who is emotionally abusive is just unfair and is the gossip spark the apostle James speaks of that can set ablaze a forest fire of trouble.

These two items in the content of this post alone should give great caution about how one should decipher the legitimacy in any of it included with it the highly negative comments about AIG.

I have no idea who this person is, but can attest to the fact that in our counseling ministry at our church as well as what i would imagine is found at Truth Community church, when someone comes to us w a problem or complaint or need of counsel, the first thing to be encouraged is for the counselor to encourage that person to look inwardly to see if there might be an idol within their being that is taking front seat while Jesus takes the back. Again, not speaking at all about this person but in generalities…i would suggest that many might look at this type of counsel as a form of oppression or emotional abuse when it is instead absolutely the most gospel rich advise any could be given. I know this is true, because this is part of my testimony. To find true life in our Savior necessitates the need to find our old self, idol factory being crucified and rendered less powerful to tempt towards disobedience.

My apologies. I had not recalled that word (cult) in her very long post, and actually searched for it, but clearly missed it. It’s right there, where you said it was.

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