Getting to Know Arthur Hunt

Welcome here Dr. Hunt. Is this you?

We are always glad to have scientists here. I also would agree with your assessment entirely.

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That is indeed me. I will try not to wear my welcome out by talking too much about polyadenylation.


For better or worse you might get a warm welcome on that :smile:. Science, after all, is about mundane things that become grand.

I remember you’ve done work engaging to Axe. Congrats on getting him to respond to you. To date, he has ignored my questions. Have you done much else?

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That’s how I found this forum. I was looking for responses from Axe that I may have missed, and the trail ended up here. Axe’s responses to my criticisms have been pretty wanting. For awhile (for several years), I had been expecting a discussion of the chief weaknesses of his work, but I no longer expect any movement on this front.

All that is for another discussion, though. Not really for the ideas in this thread.

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Have you seen this yet? I was outed as one of the scientist consulted by Torley.

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The story is interesting here. @vjtorley published this on Uncommon Descent. He had just defended my assertion that there is a lot evidence for common descent. Apparently this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The took down the post and took away posting priveledges. Axe does not like criticism it seems.

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Looks like this is @art’s blog. Interesting stuff:

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Hmm… I may have to start posting stuff there again. The hiatus was not planned - I just got so busy.

As for Torley’s essay, I believe I saw it before. To be honest, my eyes glaze over when people start to talk about the incredibly low “probabilities” of protein origination and evolution. The numbers bandied about are so out of touch with what we know about proteins that I sort of tune out.

I haven’t read Axe’s book so I really cannot comment on it. From what I have learned about it, I probably won’t get around to reading it in the foreseeable future.

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There is always a need for highly competent scientists to engage the public. If you do post something interesting, certainly let us know.

Hi Art! I remember you from many online discussion groups.

Talk about polyadenylyation all you want! It’s to my never-ending annoyance that polyA-tailed mRNA was found in eukaryrotes before it was identified in eubacteria. Poly-A tailed mRNA used to be considered one of the defining, domain-specific features for eukaryotes – Until someone got around to running eubacterial RNA over a poly-T column… Lo and behold, they found some!

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Blast from the past @art. It has been great to have you part of the community.