Not any more than innumerable other forms of social and philosophical beliefs.
By the way, this talking point about evolution and racism seems to be nothing but some stick you pick up to beat evolution with on some occasion here and there. Tell me more about your history of combating racist policies. What parties do you vote for? Where do you live? What politicians do you vote for? What’s your opinion on the black lives matter movement? Please don’t tell me you’re usually voting conservative republicans, and are merely paying lip-service to the idea of anti-racist policies when rhetorically convenient for you, but when it comes down to it at the ballot box your concern for mistreatment of minorities mysteriously disappears.
That says nothing about racism. Incidentally women, being created in the image of God, are told to shut up in church. Created intrinsically worse and for the convenience of men. In the image of God, but apparently less so.