Herman Mays Accuses Joshua Swamidass

OK I will at your request for the time being not refer to myself as an evolutionist because of the creationist misrepresentation. Are we cool now.

Except I do not see it as disrespectful to call someone an evolutionist.

Let me give a more extreme, hypothetical example to illustrate the point. Suppose I was invited to debate a YEC at a conference organized by them, and the speaker bios were given as the following:

Dr. XXX Smith is a Bible-believing, Harvard-trained scientist who upholds the doctrine of creation and the necessity of proclaiming the gospel.
Daniel Ang is an Asian evolutionist who describes himself as a Christian.

Now, it’s not always offensive to call someone Asian, evolutionist, or describing himself as Christian. But you can see how the above presentation would be problematic?


26 posts were split to a new topic: Religious faith and interest in basic science

OK Daniel. Point taken. Are we done on this one?


At significant personal expense, I have employed a large-mammal veterinarian who has examined this horse and certified that it is not merely dead, but really most sincerely dead. I think she meant that the horse is even beyond the help of any god. She also mentioned something about not awakening canines while they are in torpor, and that comment was a bit less clear to me.


Did she also say anything about excessive use of metaphor?


She’s not that kind of doctor.


I read that as “large-mammary veterinarian”. :open_mouth:

Depends on who’s doing the calling, right?

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I honestly don’t care. You guys are much more offended by it than I am. You seem even a little offended that I’m not offended by it. Which I find particularly weird.