Improving Genomics and Bioinformatics at Undergrad Focused Schools

Continuing the discussion from What is the Value of Peaceful Science?:

Can you tell us more about what you are doing on this front? Perhaps it will clarify who we could direct your way.

I was reading details of thw mission and the type of candidates welcome!:

“Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:”

Design experiments using next-generation sequencing technologies

Prepare nucleic acid samples and assess quality

Sequence and analyze their samples

Teach modules that integrate next-generation sequencing research into the classroom

Assess student learning goals and track outcomes

Who may apply?
“Any GCAT-SEEK network member (see HYPERLINK “” to join) working with undergraduates. Sorry, this workshop is not intended for graduate students or high-school teachers.”

“Pairs of faculty from the same institution across disciplines (Bio/Chem /IT/Math/Physics)”

“Pairs of faculty from the same discipline across institutions”

"Excellent students with leadership credentials or potential are invited to apply with a sponsor. "

“A maximum of 5 student/faculty pairs Applications will be accepted by single researchers open to pairing with an individual from another institution with a similar area of research interest (only one project will be sequenced depending on funds available and size of project).
Individuals without projects or team-mates will be considered if we need more people to fill the workshop.”

Yeah, this seems like a great opportunity for small biology programs that may not be able to have a dedicated genomics/bioinformatics faculty member but still want to give their students an exposure to important aspects of modern biology.

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The new project I mention has as its main goal developing strategies to help faculty devise and implement so-called Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences, or CUREs, centered around bioinformatics and genomics. The underlying assumption is that such CUREs will strengthen overall biology education.

I guess what I am interested in here is experience and interest. In other words, have forum participants explored or developed CUREs at their schools and in their courses? If not, is there interest on anyone’s part?

Or maybe people are of the opinion that this focus (bioinformatics and genomics) is not entirely suitable for some settings. Discussion along these lines is also helpful, as we are still identifying our audience, as it were.


Jordan, that is our hope.


I think we may be able to help make some connections for you on this, as we understand it better.