Improving Genomics and Bioinformatics at Undergrad Focused Schools

I was reading details of thw mission and the type of candidates welcome!:

“Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:”

Design experiments using next-generation sequencing technologies

Prepare nucleic acid samples and assess quality

Sequence and analyze their samples

Teach modules that integrate next-generation sequencing research into the classroom

Assess student learning goals and track outcomes

Who may apply?
“Any GCAT-SEEK network member (see HYPERLINK “ to join) working with undergraduates. Sorry, this workshop is not intended for graduate students or high-school teachers.”

“Pairs of faculty from the same institution across disciplines (Bio/Chem /IT/Math/Physics)”

“Pairs of faculty from the same discipline across institutions”

"Excellent students with leadership credentials or potential are invited to apply with a sponsor. "

“A maximum of 5 student/faculty pairs Applications will be accepted by single researchers open to pairing with an individual from another institution with a similar area of research interest (only one project will be sequenced depending on funds available and size of project).
Individuals without projects or team-mates will be considered if we need more people to fill the workshop.”