Introducing Boris

That’s how atheists view the arguments of Christian scholars too.

Personally, I find arguments for religion unimpressive. As long as we have no means of telling which or whose God is true or whether it exists, every religious person is simply blowing steam.

Nothing stops atheists from regarding Christian beliefs as silly and talking about it. In addition, it is pretty hard not to talk about Christianity when Christians keep trying to get their religion in the face of atheists. Jesus told you, yes you Eddie, to go spread the Gospel, so how would atheists ignore your belief when you do exactly that to them?

I think someone needs to review why there is a forum on PS.

Because Jesus said you should get it in the face of atheists and agnostics.

Which of the Gods, Amadioha my tribe’s God of thunder, Sango the Yoruba equivalent, Yahweh, Jesus?

This makes no sense considering the vast number of worlds we would need to accommodate all the various forms of theism today.

Atheism is a lack of belief and it is a pretty reasonable position to hold against the bewildering mass of disparate religions and sub-religions.