Junk DNA, High R, Pinnipeds, and the Multiverse

Which is not a measurement of functional information. We’ve been through this, and you never respond to substantive points.

But I’ll play your game. Where, precisely and quantitatively, is the division between “deep” and “non deep” time?

Can’t you see that there can be no real quantification here, when you are flinging around so many undefined weasel words to frame it?

So, the simple question is, why do you baselessly assert that degree of conservation over longer periods is a proxy for information, while degree of conservation over shorter periods, as in real time, is not a proxy for information? Where is the line?

No names, assertions, intuitions, or definitions (a la Nigel Tufnel), please; just straightforward, detailed explanation of your reasoning.

I’m very clear about what I mean. You and @gpuccio are not.

Here’s another perfectly clear description of what you are doing: