Junk DNA, High R, Pinnipeds, and the Multiverse

Indeed. @Giltil would benefit from taking the time to comprehend the following graph and bear this in mind before he wants to make such claims

I also find it amusing how @Giltil dismisses examples of simple organisms possessing extremely large genomes as a problem. This is similar to how someone (I think Ewan Birney) dismisses such examples, and T. Ryan Gregory easily pointed out the absurdity of this thinking in one of his posts on Genomicron (I don’t remember which. Can’t find it. Perhaps it’s no longer available) with the following image:

Ah yes, if we ignore a significant number of organisms, like the lung fish, we do see that complexity requires large genomes… except don’t mention complex organisms with very small genomes, like the puffer fish… oh darn… too late for that.