Liberty Counsel Wants to Exclude LGBTQ from Anti-Lynching Bill

Jesus thought adultery was wrong too… and divorce … we can’t use the Old Testament to defend bigotry.

But I’m willing to go along if you can corral some of these atheists into their own smoking room …

Well i stand by what i said. What you said has nothing to do with America.its just accusation equals indictment.
When you state SOME dISADVANTAGED GROUPs etc etc are being hurt its a ACXCUSATYION against the character, motives, actions with no trial.
In America no groups are attacked in any substainial way and all groups are attacked in minor, minor, ways.
It is not the groups that in the past, in minor ways,m were denied effective justice.
There is no moral, legal right to give one identity more protection in crime and justive issues then another.
There is no lynching in America relative to numbers and indeed irrelevant or non existent.
Oh no. This comes from the same left wing types who bring hate crimes.
It is SO saying doing a crime against them is more important then others.
It is SO punishing the motives BEHIND the intents behind the actions.
Its something for Americans to go on a judicial adventure in overthrowing.
It does seem it should com,e from conservative, but really everybody, and not have a oppresion put upon them like in other nations.
Equality before the law. Murder is murder. Murder is not worst murder for its motives.
(by the way I see it as the problem of a liberal philosopphy thats been against punishment for crime but then wants it for pet projects but thats another issue)
Its just as bad in Canada, even worse.
Anglo-American law is the best, worked out over centuries, and then forceful groups attack its foundations.
(There are lots of great westerns that deal with lynching matters.Worth learning from)
by the by. Accusing groups of attacking groups is moral/intellectual lynching!! In reality it was more rare then mob crime which was not that much despite its fame.

Wow @Patrick ! I’m surprised you would post such a hateful propaganda hit piece!

Yes, Liberty Counsel is a well known hate group for many years.

Here is an update from Liberty Counsel:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author


Ok Good I am glad Liberty Cousel is no longer for excluding LGBTQ people from the bill. Is that their position now.? For the anti lynching bill as past unimaously by the Senate?

@Patrick Do you think a group needs to demonstrate actual hatred beyond a reasonable doubt before they are labeled as a hate group? If so, please show the evidence that LC’s motivation is hate.

And perhaps more importantly, why do you, an atheist, think hate is bad? It’s a natural evolutionary result, and may be just what mankind needs to get to the next level. Since you’re an atheist, what are your grounds to argue against it?

LC has been anti-LGBTQ for years. They are clearly for discrimination, intolerance, and injustice to a particular group of people. @NLENTS care to comment on why Liberty Counsel is considered a hate group?

As a human being living in 21st century America, I use my human empathy, reasoning, morals, and ethics to determine what is right and wrong. My values, ethics, and morals are shaped by my education, my secular humanistic way of living.

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I appreciate the support, Patrick, but there is more than enough bigotry in Marty’s posts to dissuade me from having anything to do with him.

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@Patrick appealed to a biologist for data (you know, science, data?), and @NLENTS resorts to childish abuse. Fascinating. Fortunately for me, lots of people on this forum know me, so @NLENTS you have said vastly more about yourself than you did about me. Obviously you got nothin’.

@Patrick are you prepared to rebuke your friend for being so foolish, or are you going to share in it? I would prefer to remain engaged with you, but this turned out pretty pathetic. I hope this is not a typical example of your friends!

Still looking for data, and if you can’t provide it, please don’t make claims.

So you say you’ve been programmed this way. How do you feel about people who are programmed differently?

If they did call for excluding LGBTQ people from anti-lynching law (in 21st century?) then yes, the best characterization for them would be hate group.


What I’m asking, @Djordje, is whether a group needs to show evidence of hatred in order to be classified as a hate group. If so, I’m looking for the proof that the underlying motivation for their position is hate rather than some policy argument. People can disagree for many reasons.

No way. @NLENTS is a great person and excellent educator. I support him in his fight against intolerance.

No, certainly not programmed nor indoctrinated this way. My values, ethics, and morals have been shaped by 60 years of living.

You want evidence, okay see below from

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Yes, this seems pretty damning.

Trying to be diplomatic here.


I’ve never understood how anyone can read that and claim that the Bible is internally consistent. It’s a literal dismissal of the OT.

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“the Counsel threatened to file a lawsuit against the Jacksonville, Fla., library because staff was handing out certificates in honor of a Harry Potter book release. The certificates stated, “Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,” a hat-tip to the mythical and magical educational institute that Potter and friends attend in the globally popular series by author J.K. Rowling”

Oh, come on!

.“and the certificate of witchcraft endorsed a particular religion in violation of the First Amendment establishment clause.”

The damn books or J.K. Rowling don’t endorse ‘witchcraft’ or any other religion!

She’s a bloody Episcopalian!

Crazy bastards.


"A panel of legal experts on Fox News slammed Staver, and one called a statement he made questioning whether the Supreme Court has Constitutional authority “ridiculously stupid.”

Even the Fox News are slamming him!

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@Patrick Thank you for posting something that can be engaged with. I’ll pick this up after doing more reading. But your friend Nathan did nothing but pull out an ad hominem attack. Is that how he fights intolerance? By attacking people who ask questions? If he’s an “excellent educator” as you say, it’s not on display here!

And @Djordje laughing at the Harry Potter stuff by LC. But note that stupidity or craziness is not hate.