Muslim Interview: Evidence for Evolution

You know what they say: if it has “science” in the name, it isn’t actually science.


John_HarshmanSecular Avian Phylogeneticist



You know what they say: if it has “science” in the name, it isn’t actually science.

LOL :laughing:

That’s not true. Computer science, creation science… hmmm… Scientolo… oh damn.


Biological sciences, physical sciences…etc etc.

Nope. Those are called “biology” and “physics”, respectively. You need x science, singular.

And also the number of contradictions. Subtract 1 for me.

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Political science? Library science?

I have a degree in “natural science”. :frowning:

Exactly. But nobody calls “natural science” a discipline, just a catch-all term. Still, it’s better than unnatural science, which sounds Lovecraftian.

I used to want to learn the Sweet Science, but pretty sure it’s better that I didn’t get around to it

Randy Newman’s “Political Science” is pretty good

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