… surprised me. I learned that my grandfather’s peers in the 1920’s in that agricultural community were literally “card-carrying” Ku Klux Klan members at a rate of 28% according to historians. That is, 28% of the adult men of that county were KKK members.
I also found that these were some of their principal declarations:
(1) They promoted a “100% Americanism” ideology based on WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) supremacy.
(2) This meant open hostility to Catholics, Jews, and ESPECIALLY immigrants.
(3) There was much talk of traditional American values.
(4) They hated Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and wanted to ban it from public schools. [However, I don’t think they had a lot to worry about because most of the schools and the textbooks ignored it anyway. I’ve not studied this rigorously but that is my general impression. Perhaps the schools in the larger cities of Indiana at that time had different textbooks and different types of teachers.]
(5) Without necessarily using the phrase “Young Earth Creationism”, they wanted it emphasized in the schools.
I’m posting these observations just as a general FYI as I take note of the fact that these views from a century ago sound so familiar today. Many of my grandfather’s contemporaries were probably big fans of deportation of non-WASPs.
I’m feeling like I’m in a frightening time warp.
POSTSCRIPT: This “spectacle lynching” took place in 1930 not all that many miles from my grandfather’s farm. Of course, this is what lack of due process under law can mean:
Now, some good news. My research also revealed that after shocking events like the aforementioned lynching and all sorts of outrageous scandals involving KKK leadership who were simply predators feeding off of member dues, there was what I would call an “uprising” of good citizens—many of them WASPs with strong Christian-convictions and what they called “real American values”—loudly denounced the Klan and made it difficult for them to parade or even meet. It soon became bad for one’s position in the community to be known as a Klan member. I found that the particular religious traditions of northern Indiana seemed to play a role in aggressively trying to put down the KKK movement. There was a lot of “we’ve had enough of this” in the newspapers of the time. It seemed like in just a few years time many counties went from having community leaders who proudly wore Klan robes to leaders who wanted nothing to do with the KKK (because voters would thrown them out at the ballot box.)
I mention this just to show that sometimes people do rise up to turn a tide. I’m still trying to learn more of why that region of the country seemed to quell the Klan at a time in the 1930’s when many others saw a resurgence of the KKK in response to the hardships of the Great Depression.